Friday, April 22, 2016

The Best is yet to Come

While on vacation for a few days last week, I decided to take a walk around the condo area.  Since we were in the Ozarks, I always know there is plenty of nature to see.

Spring has just begun to peek out from the winter freeze up in the Ozarks.  Although many of the trees are just budding, the entire area is covered in white and pink Dogwood trees.  It was simply breathtaking.  As I strolled along a gravel path, I had an “Ah ha” moment.  With spring in view there is more beauty to come.

Earlier this week, I stumbled upon a quote which read, “The best is yet to come for the pastor’s (ministers’) wife.”  I have no clue who said it but it really is true. 

As ministers’ wives, we face some grueling days in the ministry mud.  There is always criticism, apathy, unfaithfulness, and more.  Sometimes these elements of ministry can become burdensome.  However, in the midst of the dark days, there are promises like a soul saved, Christian growth, lives changed.  Many times the beautiful story of someone’s salvation brings tears to my eyes.  These simple blessings from God are only a glimpse of the promise of our future.

One day when we meet Jesus face to face He will show us all the lives our ministries have touched through our steadfast work in the ministry trenches. 

Yes sisters, the best is yet to come.

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