Tuesday, July 21, 2015

You Will Never Have This Day Again

I am posting this BECAUSE.....thirteen years ago I went back to work, when our son was in the 8th grade and our daughter was a senior.  (Roger works from home, so he was there for them if need be.)

Anyway, in the years that I have gone back to work, it is hard to "keep up" with EVERYTHING.  So....during the summer or during the breaks, that is when I would take the time to do some major cleaning, sorting and arranging......and boy, did it need it.  (It is hard being almost "60" and to work all day......never be at home at night because you are doing church work or visiting kids and grand-kids....)

I am a teacher so my last day of school was May 26th.  I love teaching, but I also enjoy being at home.  My first day back to school will be July 28th.  Where did the summer go?  What happened to it?

Did I get deep cleaning done like cabinets, or closets, or the study, or the pantry, or the laundry room. NEGATIVE!

I sat back this past week and thought to myself.............what is wrong with me?  Why did I not get everything done?

My conclustion was..........Because...........every second I could, I was visiting grand-kids, going somewhere with mom & grand-kids or keeping grand-kids.  I got to spend lots of quality and quantity time with them this summer.  Being one and a half and two and a half, they are old enough to "ask" to spend the night with Mimi and Grandaddy.  It melts my heart.

I would have liked to have gotten some of the deep cleaning done, but do I regret choosing the grand-kids instead?  NOT ONE BIT!  The house will be here tomorrow........the kids grow way too fast.

I plan to enjoy the moment and cherish all of the time I get to have.  If I have not learned anything else in my almost 59 years, it it............Don't Sweat the Small Stuff!!!  Enjoy that time with your children or grand-children.

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